Timestamp: 2012
Naxx is one of the six main characters from my novel, as such I wanted to try and visualize her in order to help me whilst writing the story.
Naxx is tiger-esque, with enough variation to make her something eltirely different (most notable are her six legs and five tails).
She is Treyo’s inseparable partner. She’s kind-hearted, happy, curious to a fault and due to experiements performed on her she understands human speech perfectly. She cannot speak herself, and for whatever magical reason only Treyo can understand her growl, snarls and snorts.
She uses her paws and tails to express what she wants to say.
Her stand-out abilities are: extreme physical prowess, similar to that of Treyo.
Out of all the six characters this is the one art piece where I took a different approach. I had little experience creating characters as it was, but animals were even less outside my comfort zone, and as such I felt it best to try a different method of doing things.
One of the main reasons for doing this, was because I wanted to show that Naxx has a surprisingly soft and fluffy coat of fur. Something that I would have trouble expressing through my more…traditional ways of art’ing.
Check a progress showcase below to get an impression.
‘Til next time.
— D.