Timestamp: 2015

My interest in digital painting grew. I was having fun.

Around this time a new word started surfacing. A word that I — till this day — hate. Selfie.

It became the word of the year, people were making songs about it… Seemed that ‘selfie’ was here to stay.
I figured I would try to kill two stones with one bird (no, wait…?)

Let it be no secret that I have an unrivalled passion for everything video games. One title in particular — Final Fantasy VIII — sits above everything else. In it there is a character called Selphie Tilmitt (you can guess where this is going…), a happy-go-lucky type of girl that can be surprisingly harsh, or ‘savage’ if you will.

I wanted to try and see how accurate I could reproduce an existing character, rather than create one from scratch. And what better character to pick, than the one that shares the name (somewhat) with the most annoying word of that year?

I recall focusing extra on shading and lighting and overall I did an okay job at the time. This was more of a making-a-statement piece, rather than trying to better myself as a would-be artist.

‘Til next time.

— D.