Timestamp: 2020.
Back in 2013 — maybe 2014 — I was in the process of fleshing out characters for the novel I’m writing (yes, still…). Trying to visualize them and putting them to paper has helped tremendously with my writing, so the initial design for this character, Cerez, has served me just great.
Fast-forward some seven-odd years and I find myself going through some folders of my novel and I come across this piece of work.
I look at it, reminisce over it, I chuckle, I cry, and then…a small voice in the back of my head says: “I can probably do better than this, now.”
Before I knew it I had dusted off my graphics tablet and we were off to the races!
While still not at a level where I’m 100% sold on the look and feel of it, I do think that this is a drastic improvement over version 1.0, and as long as that’s the case, I know that I am still walking down that infinite road to progress.
The gallery below shows the 2013-version first, with a timelapse of the updated version following after that. Enjoy!
‘Till next time.
- D.