Timestamp: 2014

Krysta is one of the six main characters from my novel, as such I wanted to try and visualize her in order to help me whilst writing the story.

As v2.0 indicates, I have tried to visualize Krysta once before, however she didn’t come across the way I wanted her to. Krysta is exceedingly timid and shy. In this work that comes across a lot better than it did in v1.0.

The main challenge here, unsurprising, was the hair. It consists entirely out of fire that — much like everyday fire — is constantly in motion. I added extra whiffs of red and black here to give it a unique fire look (unlike actual fire, which is mostly yellow and orange). I also wanted to give it a very loose and wavy look, to suggest it was just like typical fire…just attached to someone’s head. I

The blue skirt I did on purpose in a moment of irony. Considering she is very much a fiery being, I felt that the icy blue skirt would make a good, albeit ironic, contrast.
See the gallery below for an updated look at Krysta.

‘Til next time.

— D.