Timestamp: 2012-2014

It must have been near the end of 2012 where I decided I wanted to try and put some actual effort into digital painting. I had seen videos online of something called ‘speed painting’. A very rough yet extremely creative and captivating style of painting a scene, the purpose of which is simply to create an idea or a feeling/vibe.

I went all-in and purchased a graphics tablet. This nifty little gadget allowed me to use a pen as my computer mouse, effectively allowing me to draw (read: paint) on-screen. Gone were the days of sketching something on paper (though that’s still a great way of going about things) and gone were the days of scanning something into my PC and having to clean up the outlines (yay!)

I had 0 experience in this painting field, but, as always, you have to start somewhere. I had a basic understanding of light, of perspective and that was enough for me. I set out to do just what those experts did when speed painting: make it rough, make it sloppy, and just try to get your idea across.

Not sure I succeeded, but I sure as hell enjoyed my time broadening my horizon with this.

‘Til next time.

— D.